#606 MTRS – Maximum Threshold Radio Show – Gonzo Sandoval – Armored Saint
#606 MTRS - Maximum Threshold Radio Show - Gonzo Sandoval - Armored Saint Michael caught up with Gonzo of Armored...
#605 MTRS – Doro Pesch, Aldo Nova, Joe Wos and Kriss Orlea
[caption id="attachment_495" align="alignleft" width="372"] Michael Strong and Doro Pesch[/caption] #605 is the the M3 Rockfest show and some interviews with...
#604 MTRS – Sunless Daze, Trailer Park Boys, Linda Robertson Reinhardt
[caption id="attachment_225" align="alignleft" width="309"] Trailer Park Boys - and Dom Rini and Michael Strong[/caption] #604 MTRS Maximum Threshold Radio Show...
#603 MTRS – Inkcarceration Festival Promotion Show
#603 MTRS - Inkcarceration Festival Promotion Show Rockin' lil show for you tonight. Playing a few bands that will be...
#602 MTRS – Gonzo Sandoval – Armored Saint drummer
Gonzo of Armored Saint take some time and talks with Dom about the early days of Armored Saint and L.A....
#600 MTRS – Dean Roberts (Leatherwolf), Doro Pesch – M3 Rockfest preview
#600 show tonight. So we had to have a powerful lineup for you and great interviews. Its pre-M3 Rock fest...
#601 MTRS – Frank Hannon (Tesla), Dean Roberts (Leatherwolf)
Great interviews tonight with old friend Frank Hannon of Tesla and Dean Roberts of Leatherwolf. Such a fun and interesting...
#599 MTRS – Jason Bittner (drummer Overkill), NonPhil
Our good buddy Jason Bittner, drummer from Overkill makes his return to the Maximum Threshold Radio Show to have a...